Pray for Children and Youth in our Churches: – Pray that children and youth in our churches will develop strong faith in God. (Psalm 119:9-11, Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 1 John 2:14) – Pray for the directors and leaders of children and youth departments at all levels, empowering them to effectively teach and guide children and young people in churches, schools, and colleges. – Pray for children’s programs in churches, such as Vacation Bible School (VBS) and Sunday School, to have a significant and lasting impact on the lives of children. – Pray for the continuous spiritual growth of children, teens, and young people in their relationship with Christ.
Pray for our Youth and Children to be Role Models: – Pray that our youth and children will exemplify Christian values and conduct in all areas of their lives, including schools and colleges. (1 Timothy 4:12)
Pray for Protection: – Pray for God’s divine protection over our children and young people, shielding them from harmful influences and satanic attacks both at school and at home. – Pray that God protects our children and young people from dangerous satanic situations when they are at school and at home as well.
Pray for Employment and Success: – Pray for young people who have graduated from college to find fulfilling employment opportunities or successfully establish themselves in self-employment. (Deuteronomy 8:18, Jeremia 29:11)